Thursday, May 5, 2011

I'm open to being called directly: Bina Kak

Salman Khan at Bina Kak’s daughter’s pre-wedding ceremony
Salman Khan at Bina Kak’s daughter’s pre-wedding ceremony
Jaipur is catching the fancy of filmmakers from across the globe for shooting. Picturesque forts and palaces, lakes, and havelis never fail to enchant with its amazing scenic beauty and attractions.

No wonder the shooting scenario in the Pink City, as it is popularly known as, has given a new dimension to the state economy, especially in the last three years. We spoke to Bina Kak, minister for tourism, art and culture on how the city, with its rich culture, architecture and picturesque locations, has always attracted filmmakers from all over the world. And how the trend, in the last three years, especially, has ensured revenue benefits. Not only that, for many stars and filmmakers, it's the bond that they share with this affable lady that brings them back.

"Shooting is not a new thing for Jaipur, but the growing trend in last couple of years has definitely provided a boost to Jaipur's tourism, has made it a must visit destination not only for the filmmakers, Bollywood as well as Hollywood, but also visitors," says Kak, who herself is an actor who has displayed her acting skills in a number of Bollywood films.

"The culturally rich backdrop of Jaipur has always fascinated national and international filmmakers. That apart, the state exudes hospitality and warmth for film crews. And we are proud to say that our Pink City is gearing up to handle further growth in this phenomenon. Even Hollywood has not missed the exotic locations of the city," says Kak. "We are ready to provide every possible facility to the cast and crew so that they can expand their base in the state," assures Kak, while appreciating the role played by Hindi films in making Jaipur a major tourist spot. She is also working at providing a one-window system for getting various department clearances related to film-shooting permissions at the state-owned monuments. "We have appointed an official who takes care of all their needs, including seeking administrative sanctions for using their cameras in any part of the state. If they want to shoot in traffic, or in a monument, we are ready to help them."

The new move will make it a smooth affair for the filmmakers to come and shoot their films in the city. The tourism department is willing to serve as a nodal agency to serve the purpose. Adds Kak, "Filmmakers who know me personally, thanks to my association with the industry, have also been approaching me for shoots. I am also open to calls directly."
Boost to ancillary industries...

Be it the IPL or Hollywood or Bollywood movies being shot here, it will help promote the city. "We want more and more such activities as there are lot of opportunities in this sector. And realising this, special efforts are being made to make it a regular feature of the city with the help of Film City project. Shooting scenario in the city has tremendously promoted ancillary industries like costume, jewellery, set making and many others in the city. Be it a carpenter, or a spot boy or artistes from the state, everybody gets a bigger platform in terms of monetary gains as well as to use it as a launchpad. It is not only to show off their creative skills but also to help generate additional revenue and provide employment," says Kak.

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